Really enjoyed today’s Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Trust Talk, a great way to support staff, provide updates & be held accountable as a member of the board as Acting CDIO with a hybrid audience open to all 10,000 of our staff. It’s testament to our Trust’s commitment to transformation that digital got such a focus, but glad I could contribute to other important topics including equality & diversity, workforce training, ICS collaboration, NHS finances and effective use of NHS estate/flexible working. #NHS #MPFT #MPFTdigital #digital #digitaltransformation
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Last week we announced that we achieved our best ever results in the 2023 national NHS Staff Survey ➡️ Today we will be doing a bit of a deep dive into these results and what factors might have contributed to this success. 1. We continue to have particularly high scores for 'engagement' and 'opportunities to learn', and there was an increase in the proportion of staff who would recommend our hospitals as a place to work or be treated. We also saw one of our biggest improvements in 'morale'. 2. Our scores increased under the theme ‘we are compassionate and inclusive’, moving above the average overall for acute trusts for the first time. Over the past five years, we've invested in a range of initiatives to promote equality, diversity and inclusion, including establishing our first dedicated workforce equality, diversity and inclusion team and implementing measures to encourage fairness in recruitment which is helping to increase the number of staff from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds appointed to band 7 roles and above. 3. Lastly, we have seen the impact of our ‘improvement through people management’ programme in the increase in scores for questions under the theme ‘we are a team’. The programme provides targeted training for every person in the Trust with a line management responsibility, helping them to create an inclusive, supportive and safe working environment for their staff. These results demonstrate real progress in the development of our organisational culture which will in turn have a positive impact on the care we provide to our patients. #NHSStaffSurvey #Morale #OpportunitiesToLearn #Engagement #Compassion #Inclusion #PeopleManagement NHS England
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Last week we announced that we achieved our best ever results in the 2023 national NHS Staff Survey ➡️ Today we will be doing a bit of a deep dive into these results and what factors might have contributed to this success. 1. We continue to have particularly high scores for 'engagement' and 'opportunities to learn', and there was an increase in the proportion of staff who would recommend our hospitals as a place to work or be treated. We also saw one of our biggest improvements in 'morale'. 2. Our scores increased under the theme ‘we are compassionate and inclusive’, moving above the average overall for acute trusts for the first time. Over the past five years, we've invested in a range of initiatives to promote equality, diversity and inclusion, including establishing our first dedicated workforce equality, diversity and inclusion team and implementing measures to encourage fairness in recruitment which is helping to increase the number of staff from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds appointed to band 7 roles and above. 3. Lastly, we have seen the impact of our ‘improvement through people management’ programme in the increase in scores for questions under the theme ‘we are a team’. The programme provides targeted training for every person in the Trust with a line management responsibility, helping them to create an inclusive, supportive and safe working environment for their staff. These results demonstrate real progress in the development of our organisational culture which will in turn have a positive impact on the care we provide to our patients. #NHSStaffSurvey #Morale #OpportunitiesToLearn #Engagement #Compassion #Inclusion #PeopleManagement NHS England
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Our Head of the London Anchor Institutions Network team Souraya Ali was happy to be asked by NHS London to present at today’s NHS anchors workshop on addressing the barriers of structural racism. Discussing this topic with so many NHS partners passionate about tackling health inequalities head on was a real privilege. We heard from excellent speakers June Farquharson, Catherine Mbema and Karen Steadman who spotlighted the need for wholesale system changes through anchor organisations to drive better health and economic outcomes for Londoners from minoritised ethnic backgrounds. Agatha Nortley-Meshe led the workshop challenging us to come up with practical solutions to structural racism. Improving health outcomes for London’s communities is not purely the job of the NHS. Communities want access to good work with fair pay, and career progression in inclusive workplaces. Good work and good health are intrinsically linked. #Anchors in health called upon #LAIN to support them on this journey. And we’re more than happy to. We’re committed to using collaboration, shared learning and problem solving to address racial inequalities and create a fairer, greener more prosperous London.
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Diversity within the NHS is crucial, as it is the foundation of the entire system. There would not be an NHS without a workforce of staff from the global majority. Language plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of this issue. Racism in the UK streets is not isolated; it permeates the health and social care sector and its related entities. It is imperative to recognise and address these systemic challenges. Discussing how racism impacts NHS staff and impedes their progression to Very Senior Management is essential. Issues like racism, vexatious referrals, microaggressions, and differential treatment highlight the need for action within this compassionate sector. As leaders, we must take proactive steps to ensure a safe and inclusive work environment. If you hold a senior leadership position at the NHS, debriefing staff, providing work-from-home options, compassionate leave, and conducting risk assessments are crucial steps. Acknowledging and addressing racism within the NHS is paramount. Offering resources for anti-racism reflection and practical support, such as free shuttle buses or taxis, can make a tangible difference. Let's work together to foster a healthcare culture of equity and respect. #OurNHSPeople #NHS #Antiracism #Inclusion #HealthcareEquality #Leadership #Management
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Should we have elected Health and Social Care Commissioners? In considering this, we reflect on whether the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners—an initiative generally viewed as successful in enhancing local accountability within law enforcement—should be extended to Health and Social Care in the UK. The NHS, a pillar of British society and values, remains a vast institution, often seen as complex and beset with significant challenges. Public concerns around health and social care vary greatly across the United Kingdom. Without a considerable increase in funding or a surge in new personnel, perhaps improvement lies not solely in expansion but in prudent, accountable local decision-making with existing resources. Could elected commissioners lead this transformation? Could they, entrusted with a local mandate, navigate the intricacies of healthcare provision and social support, guiding services towards greater efficiency and effectiveness? The concept presents its own complexities and challenges. Establishing a structure that ensures accountability without compromising expertise and efficiency would be difficult. Moreover, the risk of politicising the institution raises questions about the independence and impartiality of such commissioners. Nevertheless, the prospect of elected Health and Social Care Commissioners offers a future where local issues are addressed with greater transparency. Perhaps this could be the way forward to a healthcare system that not only heals the sick but also revitalises the fabric of a cherished yet strained institution—one elected commissioner at a time. #socialcare #NHS #homecare
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📢 The well-being of caregivers and care professionals is central to both our research and the ongoing conversation around #LTC policy reform. Through the Lets-Care project, we’re exploring diverse practices across partner countries, enriched by insights also from Eurofound’s work. 💡 The 2020 report "Long-term care workforce: Employment and working conditions" offers valuable pre-Covid perspectives and policy ideas that remain relevant today. #CareWork #PolicyReform #LetsCareProject
The quality of work and life of care givers and care professionals is one of the topics at the centre of our research, and at the core of the debate for #LTC policy reform. We are exploring diverse approaches and practices across the Lets-Care project partner countries, also drawing insights from the work of Eurofound. Although the 2020 publication "Long-term care workforce: Employment and working conditions" belongs to a different era, the pre-Covid era, it still provides interesting insights and policy suggestions. To access the report: #Lets-Care #LTC #LTCreform #QualityOfWork
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The words “go back to your country” is the last thing you’d want to hear when you go to work hoping to help your patients. Understandably patient’s are dissatisfied with the current state of the NHS however no one should be on the receiving end of verbal abuse. This is happening all too often and I am not the only one to have to hear this. Without Black and minority ethnic (BME) staff the NHS would not have the workforce it needs to function. Almost half (47.5%) of doctor’s dentists and consultants etc are from this group. We need to do better at being given a chance at the top but it is good to see progress with ethnic minority representation at executive board level increasing to more than one in ten of executive roles (11%). However there is more work to be done, with white shortlisted job applicants 1.59 times more likely to be appointed from shortlisting than ethnic minority shortlisted applicants. From a patient point of view it is absolutely necessary to have representation within the NHS. BME patients have poorer health outcomes and experiences compared with the overall population. There are so many reasons for this but in short it could be due to socioeconomic class, racism/discrimination and access to healthcare including language barriers. The UK is diverse and so the workforce including the leadership needs to be diverse too to truly understand the needs of our increasingly diverse population. #nhs #diversity #diversityandinclusion #ethnicity #healthinequalities
The NHS has never been more diverse than it is today. Latest data shows an increase in ethnic minority representation across senior management and board level. As well as this, the national average suggests disabled and non-disabled applicants are equally likely to be recruited within the NHS. The NHS continues to attract talents from all backgrounds and the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan focuses on creating workplaces that nurture and retain diverse talent. Find out more about the NHS workforce and what we are doing to improve our diversity.
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Each year, the NHS Staff Survey continues to tell a sad and disheartening story. While it’s really promising to see some improvement in this year’s figures, there is still so much further to go: - Almost one-third of NHS staff say they feel burnt out because of work - Two-thirds say there are not enough staff at their organisation for them to do their job properly - And more than one-fifth are thinking about leaving in the next 12 months Individual hospitals, trusts and ICBs are taking progressive steps to tackle the ongoing challenges - such as inflexible rotas, lack of work-life balance and growing shortages - that are causing so many to leave their NHS careers behind. But we need properly funded, top-down commitment to facilitate real change - both quickly and sustainably. We cannot let another year pass with the same outdated workforce systems fuelling the same inflexibility and driving invaluable clinicians out the door. It’s time to #RethinkTheRota and transform the way NHS staffing is delivered - building a better future for clinicians, managers and patients alike. Let’s talk about how this can be done 💬 👇 Read more about the #NHSStaffSurvey findings below.
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The work that we (Diversity Scotland / Diversity Company) are doing with NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is amongst some of the most important we've partnered on in the last year, and we're so very proud it. 🌈 This collaboration isn't just about ticking boxes – it's about creating real, lasting change across an entire health and care system. 💙 And ultimately, we're not just working with one organisation here; we're helping the HNY Board of Directors and the HNY Inclusion Assembly to shape the culture of GP surgeries, hospitals, community services, and social care providers across the region. It's truly meaningful work and we’re always mindful of what's really at stake – the 1.7 million people living in #Humber and #NorthYorkshire. By forging more inclusive services and workplaces, we're ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, can access inclusive care and feel valued and respected for who they are. The impact of this work is already evident. As Sue Symington, Chair of the HNY ICB, shared in her blog, the most recent session of our #Board #EDI Essentials programme left board members moved to tears and ready for action. That's the kind of deep, emotional engagement that leads to genuine transformation. 🩵 We're truly humbled to be part of HNY's journey towards true inclusivity. Together, we're not just talking the talk – we're walking the walk, creating a health and care system where everyone can thrive, both as staff and patients. Bring on the positive change! 🙏🏽 #Equity #Equality #Inclusion #Belonging #Diversity #DiversityScotland #ScotDiversity #DiversityCompany #DiversityConsultancy #DiversityCo #NHS #NHSNorthYorkshireAndHumber #NorthYorkshireAndHumber #Health #Healthcare #SocialCare #HealthAndSocialCare Andrea Knowles MSc / Alexis McKenzie / Tony McCaffery
As I see it – the latest blog from Sue Symington - Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
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🔍 Shaping the future of adult social care 🔍 The #ASCWorkforceStrategy focuses on the next 15 years and is closely aligned with the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan. It covers three key themes: ✔️ Attract and Retain ✔️Train ✔️Transform 🔗 Learn more:
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