Berlin- The Green Party, in this case Hofreiter, always hold unrealistic views. On the one hand, they actively advocate military support for Ukraine with defence equipment, which is in Germany's original interest. On the other hand, the Green politician Hofreiter wants to enable hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in Germany to refuse military service. Germany should issue them with replacement documents. In fact, this misses the legal reality. Or is Hofreiter now campaigning for German soldiers to operate German weapons in Ukraine, while Ukrainian men fit for military service go on holiday on German shores and receive citizen's money? The destructiveness of so-called Green politics is not only evident in energy and infrastructure policy...
Wenn man weiß, woher der Name Hofreiter stammt, wundert es nicht mehr, welcher Unsinn aus diesem Mund kommt 👍 Als Hofreiter wurden seit dem Mittelalter Dorftrottel bezeichnet, die ein Pferd sattelten und losreiten wollten, aber nicht in der Lage waren das Tor eines Vierseiterhofes zu finden. Eine fragwürdige Berühmtheit erreichte der „dulle Anton“ im Jahre 1719. Er soll, so wird berichtet, drei Tage lang im Innenhof seines väterlichen Anwesens in Hessisch Oldendorf um eine Buchsbaumhecke herum geritten sein, bis er völlig entkräftet von seinem Zossen stürzte. Also Nomen est Omen!?
7moMr. Hofreiter and the German Greens are fully correct here! It is clearly the only correct decision to support Ukrainian conscientious objectors in the same way as all Ukrainian refugees. That implies to support their refusal of military service. To be entitled to refuse military service is a basic right in Germany and in the whole European Union. If the Ukrainian government wants to join the democratic part of Europe it has to accept refusal of military service. It is deeply disturbing that many German conservatives (CDU and CSU parties) want to destroy the basic right of conscientious objection. The Greens are very right here. This is an important Issue and I sincerely hope that Ukrainian war resisters get Support in Germany. Btw. I do like Ukraine and have visited Ukraine several times already, also in 2023. Ukraine wants to be a Western democracy and so it has to implement policies which correspond to that!