This is a unique opportunity for everyone with an interest in green cities to comment on the Actions proposed by the Greenin Cities Partnership of the Urban Agenda for the EU
Join the #Public #Consultation! 📢 🚀 Ever since the launch of the Urban Agenda for the EU in 2016, Thematic Partnerships have developed their own Action Plans with defined Actions meant to address gaps, needs and challenges🚀 In April 2024, the Urban Agenda for the EU partnerships on #GreeningCities 🌳 and #SustainableTourism 🗺 finalised their draft Action Plans! What is the Action Plan? 🤔 ➡ The Action Plan is developed within the framework of the three pillars of the Urban Agenda for the EU: Better Regulation, Better Funding, and Better Knowledge. 1. It lists the specific actions that need to be taken ✨ 2. It details the relationships between these actions to achieve predefined goals in an integrated way ✨ Once a partnership has finalised its draft Action Plan, the consultation phase begins, marking an important milestone for the Partnerships. During this phase, public feedback is collected and integrated into the final Action Plan, which will be completed by winter 2024. By participating, you help ensure the Action Plan is comprehensive and addresses the diverse needs of urban areas. Contribute your ideas, suggest improvements, identify potential challenges, and share strategies for effective implementation. Your Feedback Matters! Learn more here ⬇ 🌳 Greening Cities: 🗺 Sustaiabale Tourism: European Urban Initiative #UrbanAgendaforEU #Cities #PublicConsultation #ActionPlan #UrbanDevelopment #SustainableCities #EUPolicy #CommunityEngagement #Innovation #MakeAnImpact #SutainableDevelopment #NBS