Manann Donoghoe’s Post

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Senior Research Associate, The Brookings Institution | MPhil (Distinction) Oxford, B Econ (Hnrs class 1) USYD | RGS 2024 Area Prize winner

I've been hearing a lot recently that policy makers, especially at the local level, still lack the tools to identify and reduce climate vulnerabilities. While we've made progress investing in GHG mitigation, we're still behind on #adaptation, particularly how to align goals for economic development with #climate resilience and other social objectives like racial justice. Is it time for a new generation of indicators and datasets? In this report I introduce a new metric: The Climate Vulnerability Gap, which combines climate risk data from the Environmental Defense Fund and Texas A&M University with census data. This new metric describes the difference in climate vulnerability between the state, region, or city average, and Black and Latino-majority census tracks to illustrate how race and place-based inequities amplify climate vulnerabilities and worsen disparities. Tools like these that express climate change not only as a GHG problem, but also a racial justice problem, could be core to helping local decision makers invest resources into adaptation and resilience in ways that also improve racial equity. Read it now at The Brookings Institution by following the link below. Andre M. Perry Xavier de Souza Briggs Tonantzin Carmona Brooks Nelson Brookings Metro PolicyLink Abbie Langston

The climate vulnerability gap: Developing a metric to advance racial equity and more just climate investment

The climate vulnerability gap: Developing a metric to advance racial equity and more just climate investment

Anna McCord

Social Protection and Climate Researcher


This looks really interesting, thank you so much for sharing Manann.

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