It’s been 1 year since we soft launched our community-centric business. 50 offline experiences, 2 accelerators, and 1 Bali retreat later, we’ve shared energising moments with over 250 women! Here are 10 reflections from running Podium in the last 12 months: 1. Building confidence for the next step is all I need, the whole journey doesn’t overwhelm me anymore 2. I don’t always need an abundance mindset, but a sufficiency mindset is key 3. Peace is not the absence of conflicts, but the ability to navigate them with empathy 4. Working on projects so aligned with my values leads to more creativity, energy and fulfilment than money can buy 5. Most things exist on a spectrum, it’s never as black or white as it seems 6. Running a business doesn’t get easier, I just get better at handling it 7. Everything takes longer than we think, doesn’t mean I’m not good at my job just that unknown unknowns are inevitable 8. I can “have it all” at different times and be happy, trying to have (and do) it all at the same time is a route to burnout 9. 1+1=3 when I have a co-founder to respectfully point out my blind spots, complement my skill sets / personality 10. Actions and connections compound - things that seem to come together by chance are fruits of small, compounding behaviours over time What’s extra special lately is the equal balance between Singaporeans and foreigners at our gatherings. Most of us are in our 30s and facing big decisions in our lives, so it feels good to find new perspectives and motivation outside of our bubbles. Alka, Meltem (BILDA) and I are running our last experience of the year on Nov 16, volume 2 of “Gentle Networking”. We’ll be matching women into curated groups for a soulful morning together. Come for some compounding actions and connections with us!
Love this post, I have seen us practice 6,7 and 8 more often now 🌟
Saving this !! Congrats again Mai & Alka! Big feat. much love from me. 2. Is intriguing ! What is sufficiency mindset ? 4 is ✨
Go Mai Vo!!
Congrats Mai! Happy birthday Podium! You both have done such a great job putting together experiences that are unique and welcoming! Hoping to join more soon!
Yayyy! Congratulations on your first birthday Podium 🤩 P.s. I am resonating with #6 and #7 !!
Congratulations to Podium!! The year seemed to fly by, but at the same time not quite. Will we get a preview of what’s to come for Podium in 2025? 😂
Very helpful
Founder, Podium | Ex-Google