Try out our new word cloud tool and let us know what you think! Engineered by my talented colleague Matthew Collins!
Ever been frustrated with those word cloud tools for your market and UX research? Matthew Collins sure was. He relied on these tools, but they often fell short with inconsistent word counts, duplicate terms, and missing words, leading to misleading data visualizations. So, he took matters into his own hands and built InsightCloud, a ShinyR application designed to bring accuracy and ease to word cloud creation and open-ended survey analysis. We're putting InsightCloud, currently in its beta/prototype phase out for others to try. It's secure - data isn't shared - and you can upload and analyze Excel files, apply dynamic filters, create custom groupings, and extract keywords and quotes seamlessly. This tool transforms how you visualize and interact with data, making market and UX research a breeze. #insightcloud #hemispheres #betalaunch #wordcloud #quantUX #UXresearch #marketresearch