Martin Luthur King once famously said: ‘you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step’
For many of us working in security and resilience the journey ahead when formulating a strategy and plan feels like a momentus task…
▶️ Where do I even start?
▶️ What happens when I run into pitfalls along the way?
▶️ What happens when indecision takes me on the wrong path?
▶️ Can I even find my way back?
When we try and envisage the whole journey it can be overwhelming, and we might never start, hence why we need to break it into small achievable milestones.
The path is never linear, your first plan will probably fail, you will make mistakes, and you will have some incredibly tough decisions on the way.
But you will learn, you will prevail, you will get stronger, and you will gain more confidence with each step forward you take!
If you are so focused on the end, you will also never see the beauty in the journey, so take time to look up, and enjoy everything you have accomplished along the way…
All you need is to take that first step! ❤️
There might even be a doggo waiting for you at the end….
Proven negotiator, transactional closer, and problem solver; real estate utility player.
1wGood morning to you Sir! Just keep plugging away and good things will happen.