When you give incredible advice that could save someone years of pain and struggle… And it’s just pinging right off their forehead. What’s going on? Here’s the thing: they don’t really want advice—they want to feel heard. Until that happens, your brilliant ideas are just bouncing around with nowhere to land.
Lindsay Boccardo yes, I agree- AND- sometimes they aren't ready to actually make a change yet. There's a reason the old saying about when the student being ready the teacher will appear is still around, As an aside, when I was in college I was an RA and we had a training/beginning-of-semester retreat and the presenter talked about how we are either windows or mirrors to everyone we interact with. That teaching has always stayed with me and I often find myself wondering which I have been in any one encounter. As a window, we allow someone to see themselves "in the future", so to speak. As a mirror, we allow them to see a part of themselves more clearly.
Lindsay Boccardo... Sometimes that may be the actual issue.... They don't like what the mirror says... 🪞 🤔
Seek to understand before you seek to be understood! Applies with advice too! Great post Lindsay.
Love this
Lindsay Boccardo perfect sentiment for today. Thanks!
Soft Skills Workshops + Creator & Speaker | I teach soft skills for corporate to millions of people on the Internet, and your team, if you dare...
5dOMG I am very bad at this, I have to ask my friends if they want validation or if they want a suggestion.