Wendy Martin Vanessa Sitter samantha felhaber - they care, and so do I.
Empathy is an emotion or cognitive response that is key in the insurance industry, whether it pertains to your client, your team, co worker, etc. For me, personally, empathy should be practiced in all lines of business and everyday life. This shows that you actually care, and that you value and appreciate whomever you are engaged with at the time. Within a business, showing that you genuinely care produces higher quality and performance of work, and also decreases turnaround. But most importantly, a relationship with that team member opens up that line of communication which shows you prioritize their well-being. Having any sort of anxiety in the work place will only lead to burnout, high turnover, etc. It doesn't take having a non-empathetic leader to understand the meaning of empathy. All you have to do is care. Everyone has a heart, meaning anyone can be a leader.
As a leader do you genuinely care about the success of everyone on your team.
#giffordthomas #leadershipfirst
Owner at Golan Design.