Thank you Vivianne! Louise is a great example of the needs and wants of so so many Canadians 55 and better. Needs and wants that can be achieved.
🌟Did you know that dreams can come true at any age?🌟 Last week we had our Company-wide conference. Our conference is always a fantastic opportunity to connect with colleagues and learn from each other. This year however, one of my favourite moments was an incredibly special guest with a wonderful story that touched everyone's hearts. We had the chance to meet Louise. ❤️ Louise had spent her life caring for others. As a dedicated nurse, she’d worked tirelessly for decades, often putting the needs of her patients before her own. Her compassion and dedication earned her respect in her community, but now, in retirement, she found herself yearning for something more—something for herself. 👩⚕️ There was one dream that had stayed with Louise for years. Ever since she’d watched the classic movie "Somewhere in Time", she had been captivated by the beauty and charm of Mackinac Island. She could vividly picture the horse-drawn carriages, the timeless architecture, and the serene lake views. Visiting Mackinac Island became her dream—a bucket list destination she longed to experience firsthand. 🎬 Louise had a modest pension, along with CPP and OAS benefits. But despite living within her means, the cost of making her dream a reality seemed just out of reach. Each time she thought about booking the trip, she found herself worrying about her budget. She didn’t want to strain her finances or compromise her security in retirement. 💰 One day, after seeing Kurt's friendly face on television again, she finally decided to give us a call. She did some research and discovered she could use her home's value to fund her dream without affecting her day-to-day budget. After speaking with one of our team members Neil, Louise felt confident. This was her chance. ☎️ With the funds in hand, Louise finally booked her trip to Mackinac Island. The moment she stepped off the ferry, she was overcome. The island was even more magical than she had imagined. She walked the same paths she’d seen in the movie, visited the Grand Hotel, and enjoyed carriage rides through the island’s picturesque streets. For Louise, it was like stepping into a dream. 💭 But the experience didn’t just fulfill a lifelong wish—it reignited her sense of adventure. On the ferry ride home, she found herself thinking about all the places she still wanted to see. Next on her list? A river cruise through Europe. A visit through historic cities while soaking in the rich culture and history. 🌎 What's truly inspiring about Louise's story is how it embodies everything we stand for at HomeEquity Bank. 🏡💚 We're not just providing financial solutions - we're helping Canadians aged 55 and better unlock new possibilities and to live life with independence, dignity, and empowerment. #culture #empowerment #possibilities #customers #retirement
SVP, Customer Experience & CMO at HomeEquity Bank
1dLouise is wonderful and her story is so real. Just one of so many Canadians whose lives we are now and will be part of, in the years to come 💕