Sara Uy recorded herself making cold calls. She posted the videos to TikTok and LinkedIn. Consistently. The good, the bad and the ugly. The raw unfiltered data. You felt the feels. She grew to 157k follower on TikTok. A few months ago she decided to start her own company called Selling Sara. She’s booked several months out from all the inbound leads. What’s the lesson here? Authenticity wins. People want real over polished. Show your work. Share the process. It doesn’t have to be perfect—it just has to be you. When you’re bold enough to put yourself out there, opportunities find you. Consistency + expertise + vulnerability = trust. And trust is why people choose you.
I actually don't care much for authenticity, INSTEAD I want quality of content. It can be extremely polished and standardized and inauthentic, as long as the content is analytical and valuable. Might just be a personality DISC score thing..
Putting yourself out there can attract opportunities, but it can also bring unwanted attention. Balance is key.
Josh Braun check also A new platform for sales teams
Josh THANK YOU! What an honor!
There is power in committing to a path and sticking to it, no matter the odds. There's power in putting yourself out there - the good, the bad, and the ugly and watching yourself (even have the world outside see you) stumble, fall, get up, learn, grow. No wonder she's hit those numbers. Truly inspiring!
Sara Uy has inspired me. She's making a difference and she is out there DOING it. Sara is amazing for sure. The difference between her and others? Action + Commitment + Courage = Life Changing Results + Dreams Realized. What dream are you sitting on that you could get started today? Put it out into the world in writing, tell people about it and get moving. You can do it too.
Yes!!!!! Authenticity and vulnerability are not weaknesses, they are superpowers…Resilence Superpowers💪 When we show up exactly as we are: good, bad or messy, we allow others to do the same. It’s in this unconditional connection that magic happens. The key is realizing that YOU will not be a connection for EVERYONE. But when the fit is right, it works! SellingSara found her people.
True , she made relateable content because at some point every person wants to get some business via cold calling and she showed her journey which people supported her and that's a really good way to get inbound leads .. But i am curious what if that backfired? Anyone can see that video even the person whom she cold call. Offcourse she might have beeped imp things but still it could be issue , what's do you say about that?. Josh Braun
Proof that being genuine isn’t just refreshing—it’s a magnet for opportunities. 🔥
Founding AE @Strider | Dad of 2 | Great relationships are the new currency | Connecting U.S. companies with software developers in Latin America.
2wIdk I posted some of my cold calls and they flopped 😂