A beautiful sight - an empty Thess Bar wrapper, signifying someone enjoyed it and was nourished. In partnership with YWAM San Francisco, we distributed Thess Bars in the Tenderloin at the SF Phoenix Day block party for the neighborhood on Sunday.
Thursday, April 4th 2024, we had Nate C and Elizabeth R drop by to check in on the progress of construction here in Da Chi, Longyan, Fujian.
Both Nate and Elizabeth are big whisky enthusiasts, and so are logically investors in our project.
Thursday, April 4th 2024, we had Nate C and Elizabeth R drop by to check in on the progress of construction here in Da Chi, Longyan, Fujian.
Both Nate and Elizabeth are big whisky enthusiasts, and so are logically investors in our project.
A well earned pint! 🍻
After a full two days of stimulating discussion, our researchers have taken to The Tap House, Nottingham to relax for the evening.
Afterwards, we made sure to re-fuel the team with a Latin-American feast at Las Iguanas 🌮 🌯
I'll be at Kubecon in SLC in a few weeks. I know little about k8s, but I know lot's about SLC!
- Best meal? Go to Franklin Ave (restaurant name, not a road), and order the steak sandwich and a wyoming whiskey (that's the brand name, and also where it's from and what it is).
- Best breakfast? Eva's Bakery and order a kouign amann along with a meal, or uber to Sweet Lake Biscuits & Limeade.
- Nearest hike? Uber up to the Ensign peak trailhead (it's only 2 miles from the conference, but it's very steep just getting to the trailhead).
Or walk over to Memory Grove if you want something more relaxed.
If you look at a map and think something is walkable, beware that city blocks in SLC are the largest in the country.
Ski resorts are not expected to open until a week after the conference.
In case you are new to Ripple Intent... Where else do you have the opportunity to discuss and practice essential skills for successful collaboration? Explore topics such as vulnerability, trust, integrity, and many more. Meeting for breakfast in cities across the country. Ripple Intent. "Changing the way we work. Together."
Head of Brand Marketing
1moYay! A beautiful sight indeed!