Consider all the things that make life easier, safer, and more fulfilling—things we often take for granted, even though they are vital to our daily lives. Services like trash pickup, mail and order delivery, store stocking, running water, and working electricity play a crucial role in our routines. Now, think about the people who perform these essential jobs. When was the last time you expressed your appreciation for them? When did you let them know that their work matters? Even a simple kind word can make a significant difference in someone's day. You might leave a treat or gift card for your mail carrier or provide refreshments for garbage collectors and delivery workers. Everyone is important, and everyone deserves to know that they matter. What gifts or acts of kindness can you share with others? How can you encourage those around you to do the same? Together, we can foster a healthier, more productive, and fulfilling life for everyone – are you up to the challenge? #JohnVerricoLLC #ShareYourFire #December #Calendar #Challenge #Giving #Motivation #Inspiration #change #PositiveTalkRadio #speaker #trainer #coach #podcast Positive Talk Radio with Kevin McDonald John Verrico - Share Your Fire, LLC
Keynote Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Best-Selling Author, Communications/Leadership Consultant at John Verrico, LLC -- Share Your Fire; Co-Host of Positive Talk Radio
4dMy full December Challenge Calendar!