If you're a software engineer, become a good writer! “What many people underestimate is that being a good writer, whether that is through emails or through documents, allows you to be more impactful. I see many engineers ignore that skill. You might be proud about your code. You should also be equally proud of the craft of writing… Writing is a highly underestimated skill for engineers.” – Urs Hölzle (Google’s first VP of Engineering)
From my practice - not many software devs are good at writing really. Interesting enough I was always good at writing. I remember being a middle dev and I was asked to prepare the API and software documentation because 2 senior developers sucked at this and made poor documentation. I see writing as a written form of a great soft skills actually
John Crickett, the biggest benefit I got from writing is thought clarity.
Writing makes you think. Thinking makes you learn. Learning gives you knowledge. Knowledge gives you experience. Experience gives you job, money and meaning to life.
Writing can be made by AI. Speaking no. Explaining your thoughts to others especially the non technical ones is the hard thing.
Writing in natural language is far more complicated than writing code! I've realized this while working on my master's dissertation.
Whatever skills you have 'writing' will always be the first skill you need to deliver your message effectively.
I completely agree with this John Crickett 💯. Writing clears your understanding about a topic and helps you uncover the unknowns and dig deeper ✅
I completely agree, John! Clear communication is just as important as clean code. Engineers often focus on just technical side, but the ability to write well, whether it's your e-mail or any report, makes a huge difference.
Soon we will only write code via natural language and AI chat models. So better get good at writing now
Senior Software Engineer at Qualis Flow
1wWhen I try to get across to developers how to communicate better, I frame it as a UX problem tackled with engineering tools. The point of communicating at work is to help someone else with a problem they already have (as in software). Who are they? What problem are they trying to solve? What language would they use to describe the problem? What things are already in their world that you could use as part of the communication? These are all UX things. Once you have the requirements like this, tackling them is about effectiveness and efficiency, where the thing you need to minimise is the reader/audience's time and effort. Is what you say or write clear, concise, complete, and unambiguous? There's a tension (which is common in engineering) - complete pulls you in the direction of more words, but concise pulls you in the direction of fewer. Would a diagram help? What do people already know? What communication already exists that you can reference?