✅ 3 reasons businesses leverage organized bartering: 1️⃣ new business, new sales, new customers: BarterPay® is the fastest way to new market share. by joining BarterPay® you will be exposed to thousands of new ready-buyers locally, provincially and nationally! 2️⃣ monetizing spare capacity (unsold time, space and idle inventory): by joining BarterPay® you can offer up your under-performing assets to the system at FULL value and get back things you need to grow your business! 3️⃣ increased cash flow: by using your spare capacity to get what you need, you're buying at your wholesale cost of goods. This gives you tremendous buying-power over your competitors and is a big boost to the bottom line! #barter #trade #barterpay #smart #business #businessowner #sales #marketing #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #smb #sme #businesstips #closedloop #charity #donations #socialimpact #leadership #entrepreneurship #give #csr #financing #businessloans #loans #circulareconomy #inventory #cashflow #bartering
Sooo simple - and we do the legwork for you! Local representation with a national reach. Find a coach in your area today! BarterPay.ca/where-we-barter/
I love our BarterPay business community members - supportive & real!
Good to know!
Awesome video! 😊 Love the business too!
Well said!
Great advice!
Veteran | Conflict Consultant | Attorney | Negotiator | Dispute Resolution | Court-Appointed Neutral | Risk Mitigation | Employee Assistance Consultant | Domestic Relations Crisis Management
6moThis is absolutely amazing. I want to bring this to the US!