UNFI just posted their Q1 '25 financials, and their "Supernatural" segment (which historically is mostly Whole Foods Market) posted a whopping 13.8% sales comp. That's continued acceleration we've been seeing for the past year. Historically when this happens, it's a very strong sign that premium natural & organic consumer demand is accelerating not just there, but in lots of places. Good news for #emergingbrands. Certainly is happening at Sprouts Farmers Market, too. Happy selling everyone.
Great to see this evidence that 'Supernatural' demand is growing and spreading!
thanks for sharing!
Fantastic update! All signs point to #organic!
So it turns out supernatural wasn’t just a tv show in the early 2000’s?
Pod Foods: We Deliver Innovation
18hThe Fresh Market is a fairly substantial portion of this growth also, with their accelerated store opening schedule spiking UNFI order volume