5th June 2pm A webinar not to miss if you are interested in the fascinating world of Consumer Behaviour & of course Mail &tgecrike it can play in helping consumers navigate the ‘messy middle’ #DMA #Mail #ConsumerBehaviour
Join the DMA (Data & Marketing Association) UK’s upcoming webinar on Wednesday 5th June: Discover how mail helps consumers navigate the messy middle. In this unmissable webinar, you will venture into the fascinating world of consumer behaviour and uncover how mail serves as a powerful ally in helping consumers navigate the "messy middle." Joining Chief Strategy Officer at The Gate, James Devon is our very own Planning Director, Eve Stansell, Mark Earls and Managing Partner at Join the Dots, Ben Briggs. So, what are you waiting for? Register now! ➡️ bit.ly/3UKoezP #consumerbehaviour #mailmarketing