You've come back from a Women's Leadership Programme, motivated, energised wth a new found confidence to speak up for yourself. You've found your tribe. You realise you are not alone and this in itself gives you the incentive to go back and shake things up a bit. Wonderful! But here's the thing. Your manager isn't prepared for this. They don't know what to do, how to react to the 'you' who is challenging the status quo. Who is determined to make the impact you know you can. It's amazing how quickly you can feel deflated when that ongoing support isn't around. I've witnessed this so often. So, a plea to organisations who create those excellent Women's Leadership Programmes. Include the manager in your planning. Their role is crucial to its success. Coach them to support these women, to show an interest, to encourage, to stretch them by doing so, everyone benefits from the investment. #womeninleadership
I am so with you on this Jacqueline Heron.
How true is this!
Skills Board Chair. Leadership Coach. Investment and Skills policy.