As previously announced, Michael Burns is also part of Invizyne's expanded leadership team in his capacity as Vice President of Energy Transition - he states, "The challenges of decarbonization of the hard to abate areas of the energy paradigm such as sustainable aviation and renewable chemicals will require a herculean effort from all quarters. We are dedicated to accelerating energy transition through the commercialization of novel cell-free technologies which utilize low carbon intensity sustainable feedstocks to manufacture difficult to produce - but critical - building blocks. These building blocks are required to create the next generation of fuels and chemicals and carve a path to a healthy sustainable planet." Read the full press release here: #biomanufacturing #nextgenbiomanufacturing #cellfree #enzymes #biochemistry #biochemicals #synbio #syntheticbiology #synbiobeta #biosynthesis #simplepath #saf #sustainableaviationfuel #energytransition
Congratulations Mike!
CEO Elucid | Board-Level Healthcare & Biotech Executive | Directorship Certified and Board Leadership Fellow - NACD
7moCongratulations Invizyne and Michael Burns - bringing deep knowledge in current limitations and the key players in the Energy Transition Ecosystem.