Authoritarians like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping say things that sound crazy or far-fetched to us. We don't believe them, we mitigate what they say, we translate to what we think they really meant... and then they go and do exactly what they said. And we are shocked! How many times will we discount those claims before we start to take them seriously and prepare for the impact of what they are saying? Right now, that would mean getting ready for China, Russia and the BRICs to launch a gold-backed currency to provide an alternative means of trading that serves to de-dollarize the global economy and allow for sanctioned actors to exist in a global economy free from the regulations and restrictions that seek to constrain their nefarious activities. Have a read of my analysis and let me know what you think! Thanks to Shane Szarkowski, PhD, Jeremy Fugleberg and the team at Diplomatic Courier for publishing this piece!
When authoritarian leaders make bold claims that seem impossible, unlikely, or even just undesirable to the rest of the world, public voices often are quick to discount, downplay, or ignore those claims. Don't make that mistake with China, writes Dr. Ian Ralby. ✔️ It is clear that China has been deploying all 11 forms of non–kinetic warfare. ✔️ They said they were going to do that. So why are we surprised? ✔️ The “BRICS” block has been toying with the possibility of establishing a “BRICS trade currency.” Read more: #BRICS #China #Russia #Brazil #BRICSSummit Jeremy Fugleberg Shane Szarkowski, PhD
Like the rest of the world, #BRICS was another acronym that fit nicely on presentations. Coming from #aircargo where there's a single payment system dictating how the industry should settle #airfreight charges, however, I should have realized what those countries were trying to be free from...
It's not only gold, many BRICS countries are very supportive of Bitcoin both in terms of mining and more and more payments This very fact is under the radar of all China commentators, since very, very few of them follow also Bitcoin BRICS work very hard on introducing the mBridge payment platform - guess who is the enemy? The $
In difficult negotiations BATNAs are often good for the moderates. Those who understand the game (including BRICs) will use Worse Alternatives To Negotiated Agreements (WASNAs) to their advantage. After all, it's just a game of who controls the rest of the world!
"So why are we surprised?" is your question. Well maybe the answer is that "we" have leaders who don't do what they say they'll do.
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1moWhile I do agree that "opinionists"; politicians, civil servants, political analysts a.o. generally appear to be positively biased towards Authoritarians claims (even when history proves them wrong), the basic issue may be that our western values, tradition and culture finds it difficult to face the "dark side" and to proactively address the obvious challenges and threats towards the existing World Order (and our welfare). We want to believe in the good and be tolerant to other's opinion. However, ignoring and downplaying threats is bad risk management and may ultimately result in even bigger consequences, and paying a higher price, compared to seriously addressing the challenges up front.