Our sensors are working hard this week! The good news is that unlike most claims teams they are at the customer’s property before the flooding even starts. Each one provides accurate flood readings throughout an event. And they never sleep! This image shows data from one of our UK sensors that was recorded overnight on Tuesday. It takes a measurement every 5 minutes and sends data to our cloud platform at regular intervals. This claim has already been paid. Not quite our record time of 3 hours and 50 minutes, but pretty close! All the clients that have flooded in the last few days have already been notified that their claims are underway - without a single form, phone call or email. The sensor behind this data is the first of its kind. It is designed specifically for parametric insurance and provides FloodFlash and our partners with clear information to know actual losses within days of the flood. It is also far more cost-effective than the alternatives. Increasingly clients use a network of sensors to measure triggers across a wide area - great for municipalities or property portfolio clients. If you’d like to find out more about our unique sensor, leave me a note in the comments.
Well done Ian, Adam and team. You have certainly come a long way since flying up to a garage in Scotland to install one of the first sensors!,
We need you in Australia. But I’ve said that loads of times😎
Impressive. Such a fantastic &!game changing product.
Abi Croutear-Foy for intel
Co-founder & CEO at FloodFlash
2moLove it