When should you leave and when should you stay at your current job? These are my thoughts. Unless you are being massively underpaid money is not a good reason to leave a job. In fact, most people are not massively underpaid. So, what are some of the best reasons to explore a potential new role. 1) There is no room for career advancement at your current employer, i.e your boss and your boss’s boss will not leave their current roles for the next 10 or more years 2) you would like greater professional challenges 3) there have been changes at your current employer, i.e. an acquisition which has created a new corporate culture, or a new boss who is difficult for you to work with 4) or maybe the time is now right, i.e. your youngest child just graduated from High School, and now you’re entirely open to relocation. These are the best answers that candidates provide to me when I ask them why they might be open to a new opportunity. #jobsearchadvice #chemicalmanufacturing #packaging #plastics #buildingmaterials