The easiest way to get promoted is To switch job I do write about career growth and upskilling to develop senior/staff traits but I feel Uplevelling by switching jobs is still easier than getting promoted. However, it is difficult to get uplevelled in an interview if you haven’t created much impact and do not have interesting projects to talk about. Thoughts ? #softwareengineering #career
Its easier at the beginning (up to senior, maybe staff) to switch jobs to advance. It’s more difficult above that or if you want to switch gears into the management track (manager, director, VP, CTO).
Absolutely, it's unfortunate but true.
SDE2 @Amazon | Author of 10,000+ subs Newsletter (
7moI've never done the upleveling myself. But I think you need to be already performing at that level in your previous job. The difference I see is that you may need to stay 1-2 years at next-level performance in your current job for a regular promotion, and switching jobs can offer this after 1 interview But I'm aligned here, without demonstrating the impact at the next level you are neither getting promoted or upleveling