🛑LEADING INDICATORS 🛫 💪🧐 These are proactive, preventive measures that indicate how well an organization is managing safety before incidents occur. They focus on activities and systems that reduce the likelihood of accidents and promote a safety culture. 🚨 🚨 Examples of Leading Indicators; - Number of safety training sessions conducted. - Train hours and percentage of employees trained. - Number of Inspections, audits and observations. - Percentage of Inspections and audit findings closed within the specified time. - Number of unsafe acts and conditions identified and corrected. -Number of near-miss reports submitted and acted upon, etc. 🛑 LAGGING INDICATORS Alarm 🚨 ⏰ These are reactive measures that track the outcomes of safety performance, reflecting incidents or failures that have already occurred. They help identify trends and areas for improvement. 🚨🚨 Examples of Lagging Indicators; - Incident Rates. - Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR). - Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR). - Number of Injuries or Illnesses: - Number of first-aid cases. - Number of workplace illnesse leave. - Property damage, cost and frequency of damage to equipment, facilities, or materials. - Number of fines or penalties received for safety violations. - Non-compliance rates during regulatory inspections, etc. A robust HSE program uses a balance of both leading and lagging indicators to: - Identify risks early (leading indicators). - Analyze and learn from past performance (lagging indicators). -Develop a continuous improvement cycle. For example, monitoring the number of safety observations (leading) can reduce the number of incidents reported (lagging) over time.
check out API 754 for details on process safety performance indicators
Great insights on safety metrics! Balancing leading and lagging indicators is essential for a proactive safety culture.
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3wlagging indicators can be used as leading factors for more severe outcome