⭐️ There is 1 reason that Pre-PMF founders struggle to report progress to investors: there are no *true* metrics to tell you if you've hit PMF.
But I solved this with the NFX Pre-PMF Founder Framework.
Every quarter for almost 2 years I would go to our seed investor & board member James Currier and feel like a failure.
We hadn't figured it out.
We were on our way but weren't sure whether we were making progress.
Some revenue here. Some happy customers there. Unclear.
It hurt because my whole life I was used to winning if I just worked hard enough.
But startups aren't like that.
So James gave me the greatest gift 🎁 a first time founder can get; a rubrik for how to measure myself.
This rubik, I'll call it the NFX Framework for Pre-PMF Founders, allows me to grade my cofounders and myself on 11 Key Factors.
Each Factor is key because it makes up the various components and focuses that founders can take when they're in search of PMF.
Each quarter you re stackrank the factors on their priority to you and you can see whether or not you're getting closer.
It's not a solution to PMF but is a wonderful orientation.
It leads to the kinds of conversations that can only happen heart to heart between Investor & Founder.
The 11 Factors are:
↳ Product-M-Fit Progress*
↳ Revenue/User Growth
↳ Product excellence
↳ Marketing/language
↳ Team Quality
↳ Coachability
↳ Speed
↳ Strategic Customer/Partner Acquisition
↳ Don't overspend
↳ Team Size
↳ Fundraising
*I understand you shouldn't put the term in the definition haha but this one is a qualitative guess that you share
For each Factor you rate yourself high/medium/low.
Here's a screenshot from my board deck 3 quarters ago where Warmly, progressed less towards PMF than the quarter before.
Admitting this to my board members led to the tough, honest and useful conversations that lead us to closer to PMF every quarter.
♻️ Repost this if you think it'll be useful to the founders in your network
↳ P1 = 4 points, P2 = 3 points, P3 = 2 points, P4 = 1 point
↳ High = Multiply by 3, Medium = Multiply by 2, Low = Multiply by 1
#saas #founder #productmarketfit #boarddeck #startup
CEO, Axonator Inc | Helping Operations Teams Become More Efficient | No-code Mobile Workflow Automation
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