Want to attract highly talented professionals & overcome your challenges with shortage of skilled professionals ? Not sure where to find them ? May be you are looking in the wrong places ? Ever thought about broadening your scope & giving a chance to highly motivated individuals from: - other social backgrounds - career changers - jobseekers after parental leave - those returning after a career break - those returning from sick leave - those returning after caring for family members - expats - migrants - refugees - non-conventional thinkers? Believe me, such individuals are highly motivated. They wouldn’t knock your door, if they didn’t have the motivation & thirst for putting their full energy, potential and talents to help you achieve your business goals & contribute into its long term success. Having worked in the humanitarian aid & social support field, I have seen soooo many aspiring & committed individuals seeking for jobs but lacking the #chance If you are hesitant to hire them, because they may have gaps in their resumes or are not in the age you want them to be, etc., then believe me, you are missing out on a lot, most importantly on getting on board individuals that are: - highly motivated - very talented - have made through challenges that you wouldn’t even imagine - are so resilient that you can’t imagine how robust & resilient they would make your businesses too - bring in so much creativity, fresh perspective & innovative ideas with themselves - are hardworking & motivated to get work done -think unconventionally - make impossible possible … If you don’t know where to find them in Germany, then reach out to : socialbee gGmbH ReDI School of Digital Integration Netzwerk Chancen And dozens of other similar organizations countrywide. These initiatives truly question the status quo, think unconventionally & outside the box, believe in the power of diversity & use it as a source to attract, support, train & mentor those who truly are aspiring, have an inspiring journey & miss only on one simple fact - opportunity & an equal chance to get started. They search & find the most talented through competitive application procedures. I am extremely thankful for their existence & engagement. Companies like Union Investment where I started working believe in the value & strength of diversity too. They are active & seek partnership with such initiatives to attract the most talented & they find them. That’s a win - win for all. Thanks for the warm welcome Sonja Albers & amazing onboarding experience so far to all my amazing colleagues & team at Union Investment. I am extremely happy of my start with you & look forward to the exciting professional journey ahead with you. To all other employers : Next time you lack highly talented professionals, I hope I could convince you what else to do & where to find them. 😊✨🍀 #closingskillgap #diversifyingworkplaces #equalchances #skilledprofessionals #thepowerofdiversity
Vorständin Personal, Fondsdienstleistungen, Recht & Compliance | Vorstand des BVI Deutscher Fondsverband
Aktiv werden gegen den Fachkräftemangel und soziale Verantwortung übernehmen! Union Investment unterstützt als Partnerunternehmen von socialbee gGmbH das Integrationsprogramm “The Female Accelerator”, um dem Fachkräftemangel proaktiv zu begegnen und sich für Chancengleichheit zu engagieren. Dieses Leuchtturmprojekt fördert die Integration geflüchteter und migrierter Frauen in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Ich freue mich sehr, dass letzte Woche zwei neue Kolleginnen in unserer IT-Abteilung gestartet sind, die an diesem Programm teilnehmen. Sie werden im Projektmanagement sowie im Arbeiten mit agilen Methoden ausgebildet. Für uns wichtige Themen, die uns in der agilen Transformation unterstützen. Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass Vielfalt, Innovation, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Lernen Grundvoraussetzungen in einer sich wandelnden (Arbeits-)Welt sind. Als Unternehmen übernehmen wir soziale Verantwortung, setzen uns für Chancengleichheit ein und profitieren gleichzeitig von motivierten Fachkräften und neuen Perspektiven. Das ist für mich gelebte Integration und eine Win-Win-Situation für alle Beteiligten. Gemeinsam gestalten wir eine vielfältige und inklusive Arbeitswelt. Liebe Sevinc HOPAC und Gulnigor T.: Schön, dass ihr da seid! 😍 Das Team von Union Investment heißt euch herzlich Willkommen. Wir freuen uns auf den gemeinsamen Weg und ich bin gespannt, was wir voneinander lernen können! #DiversityMatters #FemaleEmpowerment #SocialResponsibility
Gulnigor T. Thanks for this important post! We're so happy to have you on our Female Accelerator Programm - you are truly an enrichment!
Vorständin Personal, Fondsdienstleistungen, Recht & Compliance | Vorstand des BVI Deutscher Fondsverband
5moA warm welcome again dear Gulnigor T. 🍀