‘Planet vs. Plastic’ is the theme for the Earth Day 2024.
‘Planet vs. Plastics’ highlights EarthDay.org’s commitment to demanding a 60 percent reduction on the production of all plastics by 2040. That’s a pretty challenging goal, but it is crucial that people become more aware of the tangible danger plastics cause to the planet.
Among the goals EarthDay.org asks for there’s the demands for policies ending fast fashion; nearly 70 percent of clothing is made using crude oil, and the clothing and apparel industry is one of the most polluting, with synthetic textiles contributing to 60 percent of the microplastics in the environment. It’s a very huge percentage which affects all human beings.
COEX® technology has always looked to the future with constant care for our health and the good of the planet, which has always been its top priority. In fact, COEX® fabrics are natural, plant based, they are biodegradable, do not contain chemical additives, and above all, they are produced with love for our Earth, because they are naturally fireproof.
#coexnaturallyfireproof #earthday2024 #health #lovefortheplanet #naturalfabrics
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