🐢Slow Motion, Is Better Than No Motion🌲
🧩In my second semester of university, we were tasked with making a phone charger, manually. Since the process of manually creating a circuit board is long and hectic, I kept postponing the completion of the task.
🎨These are the steps if you are interested:
♟️Step 1: Use software to design the PCB layout,
♠️Step 2: Print it out, and transfer it onto a circuit board using a toner,
♣️Step 3: Etch the board,
🪀Step 4: Drill holes for the components,
🪡Step 5: Place the components correctly and solder,
🏆Step 6: Finally, test the circuit.
🧵About two to three weeks before the due date, I decided that I would complete it in the current week or the next. In the week I made this decision, I fell sick, but that work had to be completed. Since I had already completed the first step, I committed to one simple thing: make progress. No matter how small, just make progress.
♦️I took it one day at a time, one step at a time and I completed it within the week. I submitted the completed work on the following Monday.
🔍We often fail to take action at all, if it isn’t done perfectly. We don’t read that book because we think, “Sure, I can start but I won’t finish it.” We don’t exercise because, “Yes, I can start but I won’t be consistent.” We don’t learn that language because, “Yes, I can start but doesn’t it require a lot of time.” The reason we all (yes, myself included) think this way is based on something called the all-or-nothing principle.
🪔The all-or-nothing principle says, “If you are not going to get it done well, why do it at all?”
🔦However, if we commit to making progress, no matter how small, we will achieve great things. If we commit to reading a chapter of that book, we can finish it. If we want to do 50 pushups a day but can only do 5, do 5. If we want to learn a language, let’s commit just 5 mins of our day to doing just that. It is not really about quantity or quality, it’s just about progress.
🪙Make progress!
🏮Over to you!
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#progress #goals #selfimprovement
Sr. UI/UX Consultant of 20 years | Cross-Functional Product & Team Leader
3w“Haven’t electrocuted myself” is a pretty terrifying success metric lol