Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) is a quantum phenomenon that occurs in atomic systems when certain energy levels of atoms are manipulated to create a population of atoms that are "trapped" in a coherent superposition of quantum states. Read More: #Insights #Photonics #Industry #Article #Global
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The applicability of the four fundamental forces to the Block Micro-Universe The 4 Fundamental Forces of the Universe for es gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear force, are applicable to the block Micro-Universe as they govern the behavior of matter and energy across all scales of existence. Here’s how these forces operate within the context of the unified Block Universe: 1. Gravity: In addition to its traditional role in governing the motion of celestial bodies, gravity also influences the behavior of particles within atomic and molecular structures in the micro-universe. At these smaller scales, gravity contributes to phenomena such as the clustering of particles within condensed matter systems, where gravitational attraction between particles leads to the formation of structures like crystals or aggregates. On the interstitial and sub-interstitial scales, gravity can lead to the formation of collapsed structures or voids, influenced by the symmetry of the surrounding environment. In extreme cases, gravitational collapse can occur within biological systems, leading to the collapse of organs or tissues under conditions of nutrient scarcity, similar to the collapse of stars lacking sufficient resources for sustained fusion reactions. This adaptation highlights the versatility of gravity as a fundamental force operating across scales, from the cosmic to the microscopic, and underscores its role in shaping the structure and dynamics of the universe at all levels of organization. 2. Electromagnetism: Electromagnetism is the force that governs the interactions between charged particles, such as electrons and protons. It encompasses both electric and magnetic forces and operates over various scales, from the interactions of subatomic particles to the behavior of atoms, molecules, and electromagnetic fields. In the block universe, electromagnetism plays a central role in phenomena such as atomic and molecular interactions, chemical reactions, and the propagation of light and electromagnetic radiation. 3. Weak Nuclear Force: The weak nuclear force is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay and weak interactions between particles, such as beta decay and neutrino interactions. 4. Strong Nuclear Force: The strong nuclear force is the force that binds quarks together to form protons and neutrons, and it holds atomic nuclei together despite the repulsive electromagnetic forces between protons. In the block universe, the strong nuclear force plays a crucial role in determining the structure and stability of matter, from subatomic particles to cosmic structures. Overall, the four fundamental forces are integral to the functioning and evolution of the universe at all scales, from the microcosmos to the macrocosmos. This Post is related to the subject matter as presented above. For more information see the link below. It is at least 10 minutes read out.., but if you are interested….it is worth your spent time.
Simulating the Cosmos: Is a Miniature Universe Possible?
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Quantum experts from the EU’s Quantum Flagship initiative met with policymakers and representatives to present the Strategic Research and Industry Agenda SRIA 2030: Roadmap and Quantum Ambitions over this Decade. #photonics #PhotonicsSpectra
Quantum Experts Present Roadmap to EU Policymakers
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Quantum experts from the EU’s Quantum Flagship initiative met with policymakers and representatives to present the Strategic Research and Industry Agenda SRIA 2030: Roadmap and Quantum Ambitions over this Decade. #photonics #quantum
Quantum Experts Present Roadmap to EU Policymakers
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IceCube detector confirms deep-space “ghost particle” phenomenon Over 2,500 years ago, Greek philosophers debated whether the nature of reality was impermanence or constant change. Heraclitus was the champion of change, pointing to the march of the seasons and the ebb and flow of the tides. In contrast, Parmenides, a near-contemporary of Heraclitus, claimed that change was illusory and constancy was the rule. Modern physics has found subatomic examples that support both ways of thinking. For example, the electrons found in your atoms have been unchanged since the Universe began, supporting the constancy conjecture. However, in a clear example of constant change, another form of subatomic particles called neutrinos are in continuous flux, literally changing their identity over and over again. While this behavior of neutrinos has been demonstrated in Earthbound laboratories, a recent measurement shows that this behavior also occurs in deep space. Quantum ghosts Neutrinos are often called the ghosts of the quantum world. They interact very weakly with matter, which enables them to pass through our planet with only a tiny probability of interacting. There are three kinds of neutrinos: the electron-type, muon-type, and tau-type. Electron neutrinos are predominantly created in nuclear reactors, while muon neutrinos are created in the Earth’s atmosphere as highly energetic protons from space smash into the air above us. Tau neutrinos are directly created only in giant particle accelerators. However, in a nod to Parmenides, neutrinos are unique in the quantum world because they can change their identity, converting from one type to another. This identity swapping is called “neutrino oscillation” and it allows electron or muon neutrinos to change into tau neutrinos, and vice versa. The creation of tau neutrinos was observed in the laboratory for the first time in 2000 at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, located just outside Chicago. Because neutrinos have very low mass compared to other subatomic particles, they travel at near the speed of light. So, in the time it takes for neutrinos to oscillate, they can travel considerable distances from where they were created. Although the transformation of electron and muon neutrinos into tau neutrinos has been observed in detectors using particle accelerators, tau neutrinos created as they traveled over cosmic distances had not been observed before the recent achievement. Detecting neutrino transformation The IceCube detector uses a cubic kilometer of ice near the Earth’s south pole to study neutrinos. Installation of the facility began in 2005 and it was completed in 2010 and it’s been in continuous operation since. The huge size of the detector is necessary because neutrinos interact so weakly. Despite something like 100 trillion neutrinos passing through you every second, in your entire life perhaps only one neutrino will interact in your body. Thus, a large detector...
IceCube detector confirms deep-space “ghost particle” phenomenon Over 2,500 years ago, Greek philosophers debated whether the nature of reality was impermanence or constant change. Heraclitus was the champion of change, pointing to the march of the seasons and the ebb and flow of the tides. In contrast, Parmenides, a near-contemporary of Heraclitus, claimed that chang...
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A mysterious quantum phenomenon reveals an image of an atom like never before. You can even see the difference between protons and neutrons. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Accelerator (RHIC), from the Brookhaven Laboratory in the United States, is a sophisticated device capable of accelerating gold ions to a speed of up to 99.995% that of light. Thanks to him, it has recently been possible to verify, for example, Einstein's famous equation E=mc2.
This is the most accurate image of an atom
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🌟QUANTUM TUNNELING 🌟 Follow Majeed Suri It is a fundamental phenomenon in quantum mechanics where a particle can pass through a potential barrier or gap, even if it doesn't have enough energy to classically overcome the barrier. This occurs due to the wave-like properties of particles at the quantum level. Key aspects of quantum tunneling: 1. *Wave-particle duality*: Quantum objects, like electrons, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. 2. *Barrier penetration*: Quantum objects can pass through potential barriers, even if they don't have enough energy to classically overcome the barrier. 3. *Probability*: Quantum tunneling is a probabilistic process, with the probability of tunneling depending on the energy of the particle and the height and width of the barrier. 4. *Exponential decay*: The probability of tunneling decreases exponentially with the width of the barrier. Applications of quantum tunneling: 1. *Scanning tunneling microscopy*: A technique used to image surfaces at the atomic level. 2. *Flash memory*: Quantum tunneling is used to erase and write data in flash memory devices. 3. *Quantum computing*: Quantum tunneling is used in quantum computing to perform operations on qubits. 4. *Nuclear physics*: Quantum tunneling plays a role in nuclear reactions, such as alpha decay. Examples of quantum tunneling: 1. *Alpha decay*: Alpha particles tunnel out of the nucleus, even though they don't have enough energy to classically escape. 2. *Electron tunneling*: Electrons can tunnel through a potential barrier, allowing for phenomena like quantum conductivity. 3. *Quantum dots*: Quantum tunneling is used to control the flow of electrons in quantum dots. Quantum tunneling has far-reaching implications for our understanding of the behavior of matter and energy at the quantum level, and has many practical applications in technology and research.
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Hypothetically, imagine particles quantify to a number, scale to mass, similar to experiments such as a mass to spring, creating non linear dynamics and rotation... aka Fractal Vortices When fields surrounding the mass, oscillate, it can create periods of extreme interconnecteness like we are all feeling lately. if I am right about my theory, I won't have to prove it, we were given free will to decide how to live our lives, this creates resonance, and when particles tunnel, when factors of large primes awaken, nested ontology also known as vortical hierarchy, can share the same internal state, more commonly referred to as harmonic frequencies, aka entanglement which can create a universal wide resonance where all residents realize they are part of a much bigger universe that created us for a reason... ----- Quantum entanglement has been observed between stable particles, such as photons or electrons. But Demina and her group broke new ground in that they found, for the first time, ENTANGLEMENT to PERSIST between UNSTABLE top quarks and their ANTIMATTER PARTNERS at distances farther than what can be COVERED BY INFORMATION transferred at the speed of light. Specifically, the researchers observed SPIN CORRELATION between the particles. Hence, the particles demonstrated what Einstein described as "SPOOKY action at a distance."
Physicists confirm quantum entanglement persists between top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles
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1st-ever observation of 'spooky action' between quarks is highest-energy quantum entanglement ever detected
1st-ever observation of 'spooky action' between quarks is highest-energy quantum entanglement ever detected
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- Preamble: This subject is not normally discussed because lab based experiments can't be done easily to verify the facts, validation might be a distant destination. How the atomic structure exists. How electrons remain in a reasonably assumed orbit in an atom. This article gives not well known information but quite interesting. It says researchers have found out the electrons are held by means of electromagnetic force. Looks like Plank's Constant has a lot more meaning than what was felt. Slowly clarity of sub-atomic particles in the sphere of micro-world concepts and Theory of Everything. what holds together everything?
Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction
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- Preamble: This subject is not normally discussed because lab based experiments can't be done easily to verify the facts, validation might be a distant destination. How the atomic structure exists. How electrons remain in a reasonably assumed orbit in an atom. This article gives not well known information but quite interesting. It says researchers have found out the electrons are held by means of electromagnetic force. Looks like Plank's Constant has a lot more meaning than what was felt. Slowly clarity of sub-atomic particles in the sphere of micro-world concepts and Theory of Everything is emerging. what holds together everything?
Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction
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