Here is our latest experiment using ZAP AI-Powered Marketing Assistant + #DreamMachine by Luma AI. While Dream Machine focuses on "generating videos from a single image," ZAP aims to "produce video stories at scale." Videos produced by ZAP have already reached millions of views, so we were curious to see how Luma could elevate our videos to the next level. 🚀 "Skate to where the puck will be, not where it is." We knew reliable video generation from images would come, and it arrived sooner than expected. Last Sunday night, we added Luma to our AI video generation pipeline and brought Sam, an AI influencer, to life. 👇 Are you thinking of generating hyper-personalized content for your audience at scale? Let's talk! 😎
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Neuroeducación / Arteterapia / Yomu Coach de Mindfulness / Digital Marketing Strategy / Content Marketing / Diseño Intruccional / Adecuación pedagógica
6moYes thats great. I love it.