I just love this perspective that is grounded in reality and not promoting bullshit theories about how one creates and scales a start-up. As always with the excellent stories and content Harry brings to us.
Growth and scaling are a consequence of a lot of things done excellently at the very core of the company's offering and relationships with actual clients and partners, not a goal in itself.
There's a serious difference between committing very hard and very ethically to the achievement of excellent outcomes for one's clients and one's products and services and fuelling efforts to appear like having sustainable exceptional growth. The latter is often performed though covert social media influence that's more scam than actual marketing. The former needs "blood, toil, tears and sweat" in exactly the sale way any outstanding creation or principled fight requires these ingredients. There is no fundamental research, no serious engineering work, no lasting service, no viable business creation and development that can prosper without that kind of commitment.
Patience, perseverance, commitment to clients, hard work, exacting standards of minimum quality before something is even shown to a client (which is in no way contrary to agile principles, when these principles are not used as an excuse to deliver shitty work) and maximum humility are necessary and yet not sufficient ingredients of any great business story that lasts.
On the other hand if you're out there to be "inspirational" on the cheap, to nurture your ego, to create the next WeWork based on misrepresentation of what the business is all about, to scam investors with the next Theranos or to serve yourself instead of being reliably and genuinely of service to your clients, to your partners, to your people and to the communities in which you operate, then it's pretty clear: this is not for you.
One of the biggest BS rules in VC is the requirement for SaaS companies to scale to $10M ARR in 18 months.
UiPath: $500K 10 years in.
Klaviyo: $1M ARR 3 years in.
Lightspeed: $10M ARR 8 years in.
Great products take time. The road to the start line can be long. It means defensibility is being built.
Be patient, remain lean, always stay super close to the customer.
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