As the carers and guardians of four cats (I know right?) it was a real "pinch me" moment when Clan Alchemy was approached by David Wainwright and Madeline Shaw to work with their two teams at Pets at Home. Regular shoppers and fans of the brand, we were curious to learn more about the people. We love meeting new folks, and we were blown away by the dedication and commitment shown by everyone assembled for the roles that they perform for the company. This is doubly impressive as the business has recently reorganised, and renewed some very challenging goals. We took away that the commitment to working together, with common Values, Trust and positive intention at the heart of everything they do - was every bit a part of the 'team DNA' as it was the outcome of our session. We are looking forward to session 2! #team #culture #values #behaviours #trust #collaboration #quotes #metaphors #teambuilding #organisationchange
Thank you Simon and Neil Clan Alchemy for facilitating a brilliant cross functional team event with our Commercial and Marketing Teams, we were all super impressed with the content and style of the day 🙏🏻 #businesscultureconsultancy Simon Allison Neil Sykes Madeline Shaw
Amazing 💚