I've spent about 20 years honing how to create health messages that generate measurable impact, which makes me feel very old indeed 👴 - but, the plus side of that is having the opportunity to share what I've learned with brilliant people and companies that can use it to improve people's health.
I've been involved with the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC)'s Wellbeing Accelerator since it launched in 2020 and love its mission of 'improving quality of life through innovation'.
It was great to talk to the latest cohort of innovators about the importance of audience prioritisation, behaviour science and storytelling techniques when it comes to impactful messaging.
This group is tackling a wide variety of important health issues, including obesity mis-measurement, access to social prescribing, workplace wellbeing, vaccination transportation, children's mental health, musculoskeletal issues, chronic illness and optimising physical and mental health.
Keep up the brilliant work Aspedan, BERRI, FLX Health, Hero of Health, Hytro, , Live More Offline, Prorizon, SELECT RESEARCH LTD., Body Volume Index (BVI) and Simply Connect (hoping I've not missed anyone and have tagged everyone correctly!)
I'm looking forward to the next workshop on the practicalities of utilising your best assets to generate meaningful media coverage, during which I'll also cover the importance of building an integrated fast funnel marketing strategy around it, so that you see the biggest possible impact.
Thanks to accelerator mentor Leigh Greenwood Chart.PR from Evergreen PR for his workshop today which was focused around developing messaging frameworks for high impact and consistent communications.
Get the strategy right and everything else will follow! MERTO is Leigh's award-winning behaviour science and prioritisation framework for identifying the ‘Most Effective Route To Outcomes’. It ensures certainty of impact and eliminates wasted effort.
Hytro, Aspedan, Simply Connect, FLX Health, BERRI, Hero of Health, Prorizon, Live More Offline, Body Volume Index (BVI)