Patients are increasingly carrying the burden of navigating the complexity of healthcare - managing multiple specialists, treatment options, testing results, etc. - technology is needed to empower them and lift the burden. olivia is a quantum leap forward in that effort. Finally a tool you can carry in your pocket that will not only store all of your health care data, but will make it useful and understandable leveraging the benefits of AI.
We’re excited to announce the beta launch of a patient-facing app, olivia, an AI-enabled personal health concierge to empower patients to holistically organize, manage, and proactively take control of their own health data. olivia aims to equip every patient and caregiver with the tools and information they need to receive the best possible treatment amidst increasing complexity of clinical care. Learn more:
This is Great! My parents just moved to the US a few months ago, and I had to navigate the US health system for the first time in my life (I have been fortunate and didn't have any health issues since I moved). Even for me, having worked in healthcare for 8 years, it was incredibly complex and difficult! I hope we can make healthcare in this country simpler, but in the meantime, maybe Olivia can help! :)
Absolutely, the shift towards tech like olivia is a game-changer in making patient care more personal and manageable - about time healthcare caught up with the digital age.
From personal experience, you must be your child's advocate.
Congratulations Eric and team - excited for you and patients
I love the branding, exactly what health care should feel like IMO. Great job Eric and team!
Retired Major, U.S. Army, served as a Special Operations Physician Assistant. I continue to support my community as an Orthopedic PA, with future aspirations to engage in AI, nutritional education, and politics.
2moThis would make triage quick and efficient in all settings, emergency or family medicine. It was leaps and bounds when we were able to use EMR to look up labs, X-rays and meds done elsewhere. I’m excited for the future of AI in healthcare. I remember trying to introduce a spreadsheet in the 80’s to help track patients and care provided. I still remember people saying “what happens if the computer goes down?” 😡