Building Bridges between Exceptional Contractors and Leading Clients Contracting/Engineering - [email protected] - 0860334325
📢 Contractor Rates in STEM 👉 Did you know that HERO offer contracting roles with our clients with the medical device and pharmaceutical industries? 👉 We also offer support to clients who would like to learn more about hiring contracting talent and the benefits of this to a business. 💯 Earlier this year HERO launched their contracting rate guide and I have attached a snippet of this below but if you would like to see the full guide don't hesitate to reach out. ☎ #contractorrateguide #hourlyrate #contractorjobs #stemrecruitment #engineering #galwayjobs #corkjobs #limerickjobs
Director at HERO Recruitment Ltd [email protected] / 0868347871/ 091730022
5moSuper opportunities in contracting. Reach out to Emma Griffin for further details.