Sometimes it clicks Meeting of minds Agreeing next steps Not so often but yes Here’s a thought👇🏼 A short while back we prompted a discussion about product market fit. Short form version is that you know it when you’ve got it. And the same goes for people and what they do. Sometimes it just clicks into place. Like Lego is just clicks together. We also acknowledge that sometimes it’s like standing on Lego in bare feet: immediately painful. The two ends of the range of outcomes. Perfect fit versus sharp pain. The early positive indicator was the preamble chat on the video call. Mind you that wasn’t a given as Teams is a test all of its own and rarely considered a joyful start to any proceedings. But even with that tortuous headwind it was tickling along nicely. Three broad components got us off to a good start and then got better. Quiet confidence and self assurance plus prior preparation and careful thinking plus open minded discussions. In many ways it was a case study for my constant message of #thinklikeaclient And this meant that we agreed meaningful next steps and there will be a positive collaboration that is a win-win for us both. Do note that this win-win started on here with cold outreach to connect with me, a few simple messages and then a call, all of which was achieved in short time lines and minimum fuss. #ThinkLikeAClient #GrumpyOptimist #VentureStudio #Entrepreneur >>>>>>> Footnote: all my content is freshly made daily by me with no additives or tricks. If it interests you please tag the 🔔 in my profile to get it delivered straight to you. Otherwise if you search #GrumpyOptimist you’ll see my past posts.
My favourite kind of LinkedIn story - with a happy ending! It shows how alignment in vision and communication can turn initial interactions into fruitful long-term relationships - I am entering into the third year of working with a particular client, who all shared from, like you, a cold message. In fact, in the last 7 years, almost all clients have come through referrals from people I have met here with or from cold outreach messages. From a marketing perspective, I would advise to always tailor your initial messages to highlight mutual interests, connection or events. This approach not only personalises the interaction but also sets the stage for a focused and productive dialogue. PS. I dread it when people suggest Teams.
Doesn’t always work Edward Goodchild, but proves connecting, some background checks and thinking like a client can lead to worthwhile discussions.
CEO | Global Business Advisor | People Centric Solutions | Turning Sustainable Visions into Operational Realities | Delivering Growth Through Innovation and Collaboration
7moAbsolutely Edward Goodchild, being openly inquisitive can open many doors unexpectedly.