First win for Climate 'Opportunity' Party! We did not expect our FIRST WIN to come this early in the election cycle but only one day into the 6 week election period and already Labour is starting to take up The Climate Party mission. Labour's attempt to look more 'climate opportunity' orientated is a direct result of pressure from the Climate Party. I have done around 50 TV interviews over the last 24 months and I have again and again reiterated the argument for wildly faster climate investment and action. We have repeated until we are blue in the face the economic benefits of leading and winning in the new Clean Industrial Revolution - a trade surplus instead of a trade deficit, an economy growing a multiple of times faster than now, money for the NHS, defence and potholes, pride and a sense of national mission, energy and food security. On GBNews we have had Lawrence Fox, Bev Turner, Andrew Pierce and others indicate how sensible our approach is. Even Richard Tice, Nigel Farage and Julia Hartley Brewer have found it hard to argue with. Only two weeks ago at Innovation Zero in London I pressed home our mission for Britain to lead the new Clean Industrial Revolution with a 2030 net zero target publicly on Jeremy Hunt and privately on Ed Miliband. With Ed Miliband I committed that if either party took up our mission and sought British leadership of the new Clean Industrial Revolution with a 2030 net zero target we would stand aside from them (or concentrate more highly on taking votes from the other). Now we come to an election in which we had hoped to field 110 candidates echoing this industrial mission and because of the unexpectedly early call we are now thrashing around to get 20-30 candidates (if you would like to stand, even as a paper candidate, get in touch asap), Even so we will be on the ballot paper in multiple constituencies driving for climate action, calling out the bigger parties for their appalling lack of a real credible industrial plan (or in fact any industrial plan - what a load of muppets) and presenting again and again the irrefutable logic that Britain should lead the new CLEAN INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION driving growth, exports and prosperity for British people in the 2030s and 2040s! Join us, fund us, stand for us! Pro Business, Pro Climate The Climate Party Jeremy Hunt Tom Burke #climateelection #cleanindustrialrevolution #climateopportunity #cleantech #wycombe #highwycombe #economy
So, the plan to lead is not to allow UK industry to make money to pay for this. Not to make anything in the UK, in fact stifle industry with uncompetitive higher energy costs. But, just to import everything from China, who will build it using cheap coal-fired electricity and slave labour. Yep, great plan.
Oh FFS, Starmer shoots himself in the foot every time. Go nuclear or go home. Solar panels on farmland in a country with a little food growing space as we have is lunacy. Mandate them in commercial building roofs, but leave the country side alone
Yes, a Labour rep was on Radio 4 this morning talking about the OPPORTUNITY of Net Zero and the great cost of NOT doing it.
6moBusiness Declares Sam Baker Steff Wright Chidi Oti Obihara Wisdom Da Costa Dale Vince Toddington Harper Greg Jackson Jeremy Oppenheim Ben Dear Amber Nuttall Carolyn Fairbairn Sharon Thorne Martha Lane Fox Deborah Meaden