Everything is a process....... Here is mine, the me workflow from way before ai was around. 1) inspiration 2) the thought of how to create the idea 3) crack open a cold beer 4) get to work Photos of me, taken by me, blended in Photoshop by me....... So many meeeee's #workflow #process #photography
Can't remember the last time I was this afraid 😘
Wu tang forever baby
This reminds me of a special task force preemptive plan in action readily to take down the enemy. ✊
Sometimes a Latte Macchiato con Amaretoo can also be very helpful...
Enough Duncans to run a department 🤣, hope all is well mate!
One cool mate, no wait - more than one …
The Wu is strong in the me Duncan Young
To be announced, later.
8moWho do I speak to ? Duncan Young