🐾Digit-metacarpus Amputation🐾 🔸Today we’ve 2 unique cases of foot tumors of different origins, the similarity between them represented in the non-weight bearing lameness of the affected limb showed during presentation, cases were otherwise healthy. 🔻Mars is our first case he's a 7y old golden retriever dog suffering from subungual swelling after histopathology it tended to be melanoma. 🔻Clinical staging: Revealed stage 2 subungual melanoma. 🔸Second case is Pedal viral papilloma -A common hyperplastic lesions caused caused by canine papillomavirus type1. 🔻Our patient represented with a >7 cm diameter pedunculated mass on the medial surface of the 5th digit. 🔻Surgical approach: -The least aggressive technique that will achieve complete surgical resection is recommended. Digit and partial foot amputation provides adequate local tumor control for benign and malignant neoplasms confined to the nail bed, distal phalanges, and bones of the metacarpus or metatarsus. 📌A tourniquet can be used prior to the initial skin incision to aid in intraoperative hemostasis. - The skin incision is an inverted Y shape, with the stem of the Y extending along the dorsal aspect of the affected digit and metacarpal bone and the arms of the Y extending around the medial and lateral aspects of the base of the digit and meeting on the palmar aspect of the digit . - Following the skin incision, the digital arteries and veins cauterized or ligated interosseous muscles are sectioned, tendons of the common and lateral digital extensors and superficial and deep digital flexors are transected. 📌The digit should be amputated as high as possible. Depending on the location and extent of the tumor as assessed with preoperative imaging. By: Dr. Ahmed Barakat Dr. Nadia Essam #Surgery #Radiography #Tumor #Histopathology #Anatomy #Melanoma #Papilloma