Masters of the Air is an action adventure and miniseries focused around a squadron of B seventeens in World War 2, their adventures and misadventures. My name is Ed Thomas and my role is Head of Content on the virtual production stage. We actually had a life sized cockpit of the B17 with the actors and the camera crew all inside this. That entire cockpit was mounted on a huge motion base. We then surrounded that motion. It's with a huge LED wall. From an actor's point of view, it was incredibly engaging for them because it immersed them in the action. When you look outside the windows, they would actually see what they would have seen. It was a great application of virtual production. It's really important, I think, to maintain an authenticity for the audience. Masters of the Year was no exception. It was incredibly authentic. It was so much research about the production team put in those landscapes through geographically accurate to where the aircraft were at that time during those missions. Back back in World War 2, I remember the first time I went on set. It was absolutely mind blowing to see all of this stuff just to be confronted with life-size creations of these B17 bombers. I had an opportunity to sit in the cockpit as well and on a personal level it was it was fantastic for me.