Sharing for our friends in the Town of Johnstown
Town of Johnstown seeks input from residents as they apply for NYS funding to update the Comprehensive Plan
Since early 2024, the Town of Johnstown established a committee to look at the Comprehensive Plan and make recommendations for an update. Known as the EnVision Town of Johnstown Initiative, the group consists of Supervisor Christina VanValkenburgh, Deputy Supervisor Paul Catucci, Planning Board Chair Jes Bearden, Planning Board Vice Chair Lance Gundersen, Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Persch, and the Fulton County Planning Department.
The committee hopes to apply for a Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning Grant through New York State Consolidated Funding Application. If awarded, the State will cover 90% of the update, with and 10% coming from the Town to hire a consultant.
A Comprehensive Plan is a long-range planning document that determines a community’s vision, goals, objectives, policies, strategies, and aspirations for future growth, development, preservation, and recreation discussing but not limited to transportation, utilities, land use, recreation, and housing.
Smart Growth is an approach of development and conservation strategies that can help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, socially diverse, and resilient which may include principles such as walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly streetscapes; compact, mixed-use community design; municipal centers; a diversity of housing options for all incomes, ages and abilities; safe, accessible public spaces; ample parks and outdoor recreational opportunities; green buildings; and infrastructure.
“The current Comprehensive Plan is roughly 20 years old and does not address certain changes in the geographic landscape, such as the increased presence of renewable energy, desire for more recreational activities, growth in agribusinesses, and changes in types housing for older adults and first-time homebuyers,” says Christina VanValkenburgh, Supervisor. “Updating our Town’s Comprehensive Plan will engage, and educate the residents and Town Officials while giving the ability to envision how we would like the Town to look over the next five to ten years.”
Between now and June 14, 2024, the Town has set up a questionnaire for residents to submit feedback. This feedback will be beneficial when applying for the grant, and if awarded, will be used to update the plan. Both the Survey and the Comprehensive Plan are available by going to the Town of Johnstown website,, or by visiting Town Hall. The survey is also available by going to For any questions, please contact the Town of Johnstown at 518-762-7070 x3.
Office looks great, congratulations on the move!