Sharing Few Clips from "Value Seller Talks with First Time Entrepreneurs", Episode 1. Its a matter of Self Existence of an #Entrepreneurs #Startups Value Seller is committed to solve 2 Purpose 1) World Should Know "First Time Entrepreneurs" Existence and their Purpose. 2) World Should Support "First Time Entrepreneurs" ShreeHarsha Gudal Neelakantachar, Your Venture DataventureX has great potential For #Startups #entrepreneurs, if You Believe Your Idea Can Make a Difference to the World, Nominate Yourself (Link in Comment)
An entrepreneur should know his purpose and act around accordingly
Thank you Deepak ji 😊
TEDx Partner!! Judge at IIT-Delhi!! India's 1st Value-Seller Mentor!! Amazon Best Seller Author!! Host "Value Seller Talks Vodcast"
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