Sellers who sell selling software end up selling us all on sales ideas to sell their sales services ….aye aye aye Much of the time, the goal of the consultant, fractional or coach is to convince us of things that are only partially true Its so obvious, however, social media allows for the masquerad(e(ity?)) What I have learned from 6 years of closing business in cyber security is that every sales process works. Every technique works. Every style works. All messaging (categorically) works. It’s just a matter of commitment and time. If you’ve ever been a buyer you know exactly how much complication goes into these decisions So chill
Daulton Capps those are all great insights. I think as both a buyer and a seller, we’re only going to buy something in the realm of what we need anyways. It’s just a matter of which what we decide to buy. Typically it involves the most pleasant experience from a company that shows the most value with a somewhat unique offering. There are a lot of ways to get there and it’s a dynamic process to be certain.
Ha! I love this. Standing ovation because it’s true. From MEDDPICC to a one-call close. Buyers buy how they want to buy. Sellers can win by being flexible.
LOL - insightful as always. BUT, if all messaging worked, I know some people who could have done really well. But they didn’t do well …. Maybe they should have done more of the same? Delivery/Timing/Medium/Words/Value all come into play with a massive amount of luck. But how do you control luck?? Exactly as you said - commitment and time. Why? Cause every 43,200 seconds you’ll get it right.