Denmark is considering withdrawing from the Cluster Munitions Convention. “ Prominent military analyst: We must consider whether Danish troops should use controversial weapons”” “Few would have imagined before Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, that we here in Denmark would have a discussion about whether Danish soldiers should once again be allowed to use cluster bombs and anti-personnel mines. Weapons that we have otherwise signed conventions that prohibit. But now the discussion about the controversial weapons has once again erupted into flames, after one of the country's most prominent military analysts, Anders Puck Nielsen, in Berlingske, has asked Denmark to consider whether the advantages of the weapons outweigh the disadvantages.” These are the first paragraphs from a cover article in Denmark newspaper (using Google translate). Lithuania has already withdrawn from the CMC. I’ve been calling for all 111 nations from around the world to withdraw from this dangerous Convention that cost tens of thousands of Ukrainian lives and weakened Europe’s defense against a full scale Russian invasion. We need the leadership of Secretary General Mark Rutte to request all NATO nations to withdraw from the CMC. He should also educate the non-NATO signatories of the CMC, that by signing the CMC they weakened the defense of Europe. And there is blood on their hands: Ukrainians died because Iceland, Costa Rica, and others signed the CMC. By signing they delayed the transfer of cluster munitions for 1.5 years. During that year Ukraine lost soldiers, civilians and momentum.
I can see both sides of the argument, would err on the side of bringing it back and also moving from a defensive posture to a pre-emptive posture a la Israel.
Hvis den ene side fører en udslettelseskrig mod den anden side og dermed accepterer masseofre som sideskade, så kan forsvarerne ikke reagere på længere sigt med målrettet brug af våben. Den taktisk-operative krigskunst må så give fortrinsret til andre våbensystemer. Ved første øjekast tænker forsvareren også på masseødelæggelsesvåben. Men hvordan kan en krig afsluttes, uden at den ene side går helt under? Er dette så bare en sejr og ikke fred?
This is a truth: when you sacrifice your life, you must make fullest use of your weaponry. It is false not to do so, and to die with a weapon yet undrawn. Miyamoto Musashi
Thanks AUK President Dan Rice Informative and useful Judge Sullivan
Project Manager at Goodvalley
3dYou can’t fight an enemy like Russia with polite suggestions and harsh language. They don’t limit themselves to “rules” and “conventions” Push come to shove - then you are going to want ALL the tools in the toolbox. Instead of discussing if these types of tools should be available to Danish troops, then instead start talking about how to develop them in a way so they don’t leave a mess afterwards and how to mass produce them