Hi, it's Ashish and something to discuss about the code wraps. The team is handling My Portfolio from my website and it's been an amazing journey so far. They've been doing the right kind of things, but I expected in regard to my requirements and what they're doing. So they'll be getting my off page, on page and other relevant services done for my brand. And I'm pretty happy at the moment. So far so good with their services and the team is fabulous and keeping me updated. Providing all the details, all the reports on time, half monthly 490 meetings we have with them in terms of their reports we get. And especially I would like to thank Vishal who is managing my account and keeping me updated about all the progress, all the changes, what we need to do on the website to make it good looking website and in alignment to the other competitors what they're doing. So yes, I've been very happy with the cold drafts. We've been managing My Portfolio. Quite a few years now, yeah. And looking forward to getting more services and alignment in that process going forward. Thank you.
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