My name is Anton Gunter born in 1972 to the clan Gunter. I am of humble upbringing and have little or scant regard to sales pitches laced with sales clichés and acronyms.
Only to day I have received DM's that I physically dont understand and as such, I am probably missing your point.
Forget funnels, channels, strategic direction, ever changing landscapes, CIO/CTO/CISO/IT directors and speak normally. I am from the logistics industry where we have over kill on acronyms.
Here's a little tip - use an elevator pitch which gives your audience about 30 seconds to understand what we do. For example
when asked what I do?
I answer: Do you know how people are moaning currently about their transport and international logistics? Well I help them with that.
SO clearly logistics, international logistics and its simple. If you are genuinely interested I will elaborate once we get out of the lift.
Please dont send me chapter and verse and your website to entice me, because 1. I dont understand what you are talking about and 2. Its too long and boring
PS - how did i do David Holland MBA Your Business Co-Pilot did I explain the at correctly