Audi Brussels’ Post

A Change in the Board Of Management   Thomas Bogus will take over from Volker Germann as the new Managing Director from 16th September. Over the last five years, Volker and the Brussels site have led the way in the transition to e-mobility for the Audi Group. During his time, Volker has pioneered a strong environmental and social commitment, taking our Mission:Zero programme to the next level. He has championed key areas such as water recycling in the paint shop, our own photovoltaic power plant and BattMAN, our own battery recycling software. Throughout his time, Volker has invested his passion and dedication into multiple facets of inclusion, championing greater diversity and pluralism in business. His advocacy for better work protection rights of employees with cancer saw him deliver a speech at the European Parliament for the launch of the European Cancer Community Foundation. We would like to sincerely thank Volker for his service and commitment to our factory and people over the last years and wish him all the best for his next chapter.

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Mike Morrissey

Chief Executive of the European Cancer Organisation | Past President of the European Society of Association Executives | Executive Director of the European Cancer Community Foundation


Thanks Volker for being such an inspirational leader. You helped us launch the European Cancer Community Foundation at the EU Parliament last year. Why? Because you demonstrated the best in class way of handling the absence of colleagues who have cancer. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you and your team and I wish you every success that you deserve given the kindness and leadership you have demonstrated to organisations across the EU. Vielen dank Volker!!

Volker, ich möchte dir ebenfalls ein sehr ehrliches und respektvolles Dankeschön aussprechen. Durch deine Art, mit Menschen umzugehen, hast du dir über die Jahre den Respekt unzähliger Mitarbeiter bei Audi Brüssel erarbeitet und verdient. In schwierigen Zeiten, wie während der Corona-Pandemie und des Halbleitermangels, hast du mit deinen Entscheidungen unseren Standort erhalten und uns allen vorgelebt, dass Aufgeben für dich niemals eine Option war. Für die Zukunft wünsche ich dir und deiner Familie von Herzen alles Gute. Hochachtungsvoll Benjamin Bayer

Dr. Oliver Gruenberg

Efficiency, stable processes and speed of decisions! 🏆


All the best for you Volker! “passionate”, “authentic” and “straight forward” are the qualities popping up in my mind every time I meet you. These qualities are required more than ever in the areas of our business. Hope to meeting you fighting for the cause anywhere in the world soon! 🙏🏻

Nicola Lisaï

Supervisor Production chez Audi Brussels


AudiBrussels… is dead… 😶

Waldemar Jakunin

Engineer | Survivor | Humanist @Audi


Thank you, Volker, for your leadership and dedication over the past five years. Your commitment, even in the face of challenges, has been truly inspiring. Wishing you all the best in your next chapter and continued success in everything you do.

Jeroen Tondeleir

Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.


Thank you Volker, for your commitment & energy these last 5 years at Audi Brussels !

Austen Lowe (he/him)

Lead Diversity & Inclusion, Education, Employer Branding and Recruitment


Thank you for all your support over the last years, Volker. I will miss you. Wishing you all the best.


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Victoria Mezhlumyants

Alles ist möglich, man muss es nur wollen!


You are a good man, Volker! Thank you for your support and advices! I wish you all the best and would be happy to see you again! Greetings from the US

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