When you're considering hiring a new product manager, my favorite hack to figure out what kind of product manager to hire is using Marty Cagan's interview question from Empowered. It outlines four types of product managers - 1. Those who are super creative and great and finding novel solutions to problems. 2. Those who are able to maximize a team, given resource constraints, and still find ways to get things done. 3. Those who are very strategic - ie, you can find the best path to win. 4. Those who are very execution driven, and execute with excellence. You ask the product manager to force-rank them, and then ask why they force-ranked them that way. This can give you a ton of insight into how the product manager thinks! Even better if you ask for a situation in which they employed their top strength or had to get help in a situation with their worst skillset. #productmanagement #productmanagementhiring ---- Hi, I'm Anna. I'm a CEO and Co-founder that helps you figure out the best path toward product success in your business and helps you find a fantastic product manager when you're ready to hire. Follow for tips, insight and more!
Thank you for sharing this insightful tip, Anna. It's fascinating to see the diverse skill sets that can define a successful product manager. From your experience, have you found that certain types of product managers excel more in particular industries or stages of a company's growth?
Data-driven Product Leader | Principal PM @ Mrsool
5moNo two product managers are the same, this approach really helps differentiates between Strategy/Discovery/Delivery. I've written before on a proposed breakdown of Product Manager roles to 7 different functions, let me know what you think: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/magedshalaby_not-all-product-managers-are-the-same-having-activity-7148999953024012289-cTca?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android