Humanity cannot be saved or preserved by sacrificing humans. Sacrificing Ukraine - even if "only" in part - will not save Europe or the free world from Russian evil. On the contrary, it'll be a moral crime of catastrophic proportion which will make Russia a greater threat to all.
Dear Ariana, Unfortunately, morality is not really valued by the global decision-makers these days. (and the question is - if it ever was - ?... ). But, there is a clear issue of the outcome: - if Ukraine's territorial integrity is preserved, and the International Law principle of territorial integrity of sovereign state is honoured - then ruZZia fails completely in its goal of territorial gains resulting from illegal agreZZion - and as a result - Europe and the World are becoming a safer place ... - if even a single part of Ukrainian territory (Crimea, Donbas, etc) is confirmed to be annexed - then putler wins, and ruZZia is rewarded for a criminal activity ... - then - we shal prepare for more wars, more genocides, and it's better not to predict the final result of such situation ... :( . * as to the repeated phrase of ruZZian dictatorship's officials and their stooges around the world that "there is no return to borders from 1991" - this approach should be honoured ... - as several ethnically Ukrainian regions now formally in ruZZia - should be allowed to be reintegrated with the rest of Ukraine ;) (then there is no need to demolish the Kerch bridge - as it would be connecting Ukrainian Kuban with Ukrainian Crimea ;) )
Forbes Journalist | Lecturer | Rising Leaders Fellow Aspen Institute UK | TEDx Alumni
2dWell said Ariana !