[Sunday Gossip] I remember I have written a conference paper on the globalisation from a linguistic perspective in 2016. The recent Singapore is ranked first as a most globalised city and some add as in the best trade city.
I think it’s good to hear one, let alone both. I think Singaporeans are good at finding niches in areas where few people are trading, such as curry. At one time, I tried to mix with my own curry chicken and beef, I went to an Indian shop for advice, the boss showed me different kinds of curry and I bought one with less spicy 🌶️. Some aged Singaporeans told me there are trading activities are beyond the knowledge of most Singaporeans, such as trading minerals and coffees, and with many countries. People don’t understand that SG isn’t producing minerals and coffees. Why they are trading those products in the world. SG isn’t enjoying the Comparative Advantage; however, SG traders take commissions for such transactions and with bulk purchases, buyers and sellers can enjoy low transaction costs.
The new source of revenue generation is “family offices “ set up in Singapore bringing with income from rentals, banking and insurances, etc.
All those trading and financial activities will bring in good incomes for a stable Singapore government with a clear sense of direction which intends to bring for its people under globalisation.
Senior Banker, Company Director / Chairman, Mentor - transformative leadership and a commitment to guiding the next generation of leaders.
3wExciting times ahead! We stay focused, execute with excellence, results will speak for themselves. Impact will silence the naysayers . 👏👏👏